Raiven Marketplace

We save you money and
make buying fast, easy, and efficient.

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raiven marketplace on desktop and mobile

One Click Access To All Your Suppliers

Imagine having all your preferred suppliers in your own online Marketplace. New employees aren’t confused about where to buy, existing employees aren’t going rogue and buying where they want, and you’ve saved employees time by making it easy to shop and buy.

Digitally Shop & Buy

Would you like an Amazon-like marketplace for your employees? Raiven gives your employees online access to your preferred local suppliers as well as our national suppliers. No more time-consuming phone orders, back and forth emails, or searching the web for products. 

Access Our Suppliers & Yours

You have one-click access to our pre-negotiated discounts from national suppliers and we can add your favorite local distributors to our Marketplace for faster and more efficient ordering. No more hopping from website to website, see all your suppliers in one place.

Control Employee Purchases

Put all your preferred suppliers in one online location to more easily influence where your employees purchase while giving you complete visibility into where, what, and how purchases are being made, and by whom. You finally can gain control over where purchases are being made.

Successful business people handshaking closing a deal

Access pre-negotiated discounts

When you join the Raiven purchasing program, you no longer need to haggle with suppliers. Raiven routinely negotiates discounts and service levels from industry-leading suppliers. By leveraging our $500M+ in aggregated spend, our members see savings of 7% - 25%. You can have peace of mind that you are getting the best pricing on equipment, parts, and supplies.

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Pay 7%-25% Less

Our customers are realizing 7-25% discounts on equipment and supplies we negotiated based on our $500+ million in aggregated spend. Savings like these have a direct impact on your bottom line -- the more you save, the higher your profits!

Reduce Admin Costs

Take this opportunity to consolidate your suppliers to gain leverage and reduce the number of invoices generated from buying from so many different suppliers. Streamlining administrative tasks frees time for more strategic projects.

Less Time Negotiating

Raiven’s pre-negotiated terms and discounts give you the assurance and comfort of not having to haggle and negotiate with multiple suppliers. Raiven has done the work for you. Now you have more time to focus on delighting your customers.

Access Industry-leading Suppliers

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Real-time Product Availability & Pricing

With product shortages everywhere, it’s time-consuming trying to find where products are available. Raiven's platform provides real-time product availability and pricing on the products you buy most.

Save time and money using Raiven.

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Hard-to-find Products

Raiven allows you to identify products that you struggle to find in-stock so you can receive email alerts when they become available as well as an online dashboard that tracks these products.

Frequently Purchased Products

We also allow you to create Hot Sheets that include products you commonly buy so you know when they are in-stock at your preferred suppliers and who has the total lowest cost

Inventory & Price Transparency

Take advantage of a convenient way to compare product availability and prices across your preferred suppliers from a single location. Stop doing it manually and let Raiven automate the process!


Improve Purchasing Compliance

When your team purchases through approved suppliers, your best savings are ensured, and your overall purchasing process is simplified. Setting purchasing parameters establishes clear expectations for your employees. Only approved vendors and suppliers are visible within Marketplace, so it takes any guesswork out of where to buy for your employees.

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Reduce Maverick Spending

Reduce maverick or rogue spending by providing your employees with one location to access all your preferred suppliers instead of letting them buy wherever they want. Employees love convenience, so having a dedicated Marketplace allows them to get all their shopping done in one place - all from approved sources.

Digital Guard Rails

When employees go rogue and visit unapproved supplier websites, our digital buying assistant pops up in their browser with the same product from your preferred suppliers, encouraging them to buy from the suppliers you want. These “digital guard rails” nudge them each time they stray and they can instantly buy the item.

Better Visibility With Reporting And Controls

Visibility into procurement habits and governing buying limits helps you better manage your employees’ purchasing behaviors. Knowing where your money is going, who is making purchases, and understanding trends and movements will help your business be more nimble when it comes to purchasing.

Graphical chart analysis

Analytics And Reporting

Access purchasing transaction histories, order statuses, and dashboards from centralized purchasing data. Data is valuable, so having comprehensive reports with a click of the mouse arms you with the data you need. You can share reports and give information to your stakeholders when needed.

Automated Purchase Approvals

Electronically establish thresholds for spending limits and management approvals so you can quickly automate your procurement procedures. Set your team up for success by tailoring parameters according to roles and responsibilities. Knowing the limits will help you control costs and give approvers visibility and accountability.


Easily Integrate To Your ERP or S2P System

Raiven has developed fast and easy ways to integrate our purchasing platform to your ERP, Source-to-Pay, or PO system. This simple, yet sophisticated integration capability enables you to automate, digitize, and simplify your purchase order process. Digitization improves organization and efficiency. You can request quotes, create purchase orders, and process transactions seamlessly.

Automation, data visibility and better control will all help your business operate better.

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